completely naturally, medication free, within a few minutes

Did you know that more often than not, chronic headaches are bad habits caused by bad habits?

When headaches and migraines become part of our life, causing pain and discomfort for months or years, it is wise to take a closer look at our habits… The tricky part of habits thought, is to see what precisely from our everyday activities is causing the discomforts…

The good news?

In 3 KEY steps we can let go of unnecessary pains:

KEY Nr 1. Discovering the bad habits – even behind diagnoses – will literally change what is going on in our head!

KEY Nr 2. Understanding that releasing and preventing headaches or migraines is totally possible, moreover naturally & medication free!

KEY Nr 3. Creating a better habit which has the power to prevent as well as release the headaches/migraines takes only about 5 to 15 minutes daily!

Bit of statistics, shall we?

1 billion people is suffering from migraines worldwide (pre-covid data from 2020)

For those who are DONE suffering from headaches and migraines, here is a brand new way towards a life without them:

Learn the medication free headache management method

 Gift yourself the FREEDOM of doing what you want,

whenever you want it!

The question is, are you ready to GET BACK the TIME to DO

the things you LOVE?  

Hi, I am Barbara with 32 years of experience in headaches and migraines. Yes, I have tried everything… Diets, acupuncture, massages, yoga, herbal teas, homeopathy, essential oils, you name it, but nothing really helped. In In April 2022 I have finally found a way to heal ALL my headaches. Since then my statistics are:

ZERO migraines  

 ZERO headaches with nausea (my usual combo)

 I deactivated ALL of my starting headaches before they became heavy or debilitating.

Yes, the headaches are still coming sometimes, but much less often, and when they come – I know what to do, to let them go. 





Planning activities with your family or friends and never have to cancel for feeling a bad headache anymore. Sounds good, right?

Excelling at your job, giving your very best to your business without needing to force yourself to work yet with another headache.

No more attempting to numb out the pain and related discomforts with pill after pill, hoping that it will get better. Instead knowing how to stop and prevent your headaches. Feels like a much better deal?

It is all about getting your FREEDOM back. The freedom of enjoying every moment and every day.

I am so so grateful for given the gift of channeling a solution for me, for you, for all of us!🙏🏼

Knowing that I only need a few quiet minutes to bring myself back on track to continue with whatever I was doing is just phenomenal!

The best part of all this? Read on to learn how the method helped to others in the past 8 months.


In the past year I have shared the Medication Free Headache Management with my family, friends and clients.

Everyone reported that their headaches got better, shorter, less painful and for some all of their headaches are completely gone

Both my private clients and the first group program participants were really happy with their RESULTS:

The Medication Free Headache Management webinar from Barbara, came on my way by chance. So I signed up without any expectations. Barbara turned out to be an enrichment of my life in many ways. Her soft voice, the right words, the right approach, her spiritual wisdom. The exercise was much more to me than "just" releasing my headaches.
Since I was 15, I have had headaches and intolerable migraines on a very regular basis. Many visits to the neurologist followed, but not a single visit brought me relief. Unless of course I opted for preventive medication with many possible and serious side effects. Although the pain was unbearable, my resistance to the medication was even greater. At one point I had migraines every day for two weeks. I was completely exhausted. That is when via-via I got connected to Barbara. I cannot describe the gratitude I felt. And more importantly, it is now 6 months later and my gratitude is still endless. The exercise has become part of my daily routine. Why? Because IT WORKS!!!! So many fewer headaches, so many fewer migraines. Barbara monitors you very closely during the first few weeks, she looks for triggers with you and above all: she is an incredible support. Thank you Barbara for who you are and what you do!
Before this method I had every day very strong headache… Since 3rd November (one week exercises), I have light headaches or I haven’t got them at all!
First of all happy new year to you, Barbara! Keep on doing the great job. It's so helpful. Since I'm doing the exercices I have less headaches. And if I have them they are less painful. Thank you so much Barbara for helping me to having a better quality of life ❤️❤️
Hi Barbara, wishing you also the best for 2023! My headaches stayed away... The exercise also helped me emptying my head... Many many thanks, Barbara... thankful that you came on my way xxx
I followed Barbara's private Medication Free Headache Management program at the beginning of this year. I have had regular tension headaches for years that do not go away without taking medication. During my pregnancy I suddenly no longer suffered from headaches, unfortunately this came back quickly after giving birth. Barbara gives good explanations and guidance, her exercises are clearly given and easy to follow. After daily practice it is already going much smoother and I no longer have a headache! In the beginning of the coaching I still had headaches a few times, but by doing the exercise the pain eased or went away completely. I definitely recommend working with Barbara to anyone with a headache!"
Yesterday I did exercise in the evening, and my headache went away!
My headache (the kind that accompanies my period and I used to take medication for) is also better. I am practicing the method since only 4 days and I made it through the past 3 days completely without medication!
I also keep doing the exercise every day... No headaches anymore since last one (12 days ago)... It gives me a feeling of inner peace... Honestly Barbara, your voice and the audio version is magical. I could not do the exercise without it. Because you are saying the right things at the right speed.
Up till now - since 5 months - I do the exercise and had only twice a migraine. I think one of these was because the day before I watched television a lot. (Formula one, Tour the France and WC footbaal on one day). My usual headaches are also much less painful than before, and coming much less often. Your method certainly brought ease and fewer headaches in my life.
I was able to apply the exercise immediately in the moment of pain, and listening to Barbara's soothing voice, truly made a difference. During the first time, the headache decreased a bit but didn't completely disappear. A few minutes later, as I was still lying on the floor and fully surrendered, I felt the pain melting away with tears streaming down my face. I felt every fiber in my previously tense body relax. My body understood. The course has now ended, but I have a tool in my hands to help myself without causing harm to my body. I have embraced Barbara in my heart along with the beautiful memories of the course. I wish anyone who suffers from migraines the opportunity to meet Barbara and take this course.


Release your headaches and as a bonus enjoy being more relaxed both physically, mentally and emotionally. The method blends several modalities which makes it effective to let stress, tiredness as well as other physical discomforts go.

* Do you need or prefer FAST, 100% personalised attention? 

Then drop a message to,

and Barbara will contact you within 24 hours.

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